1500 Kings Highway, Suite 106, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 | PHONE: 1-888-868-3380

Customized Team Building for Colleges and Universities

Building a high performing team for Colleges and Universities requires a tremendous amount of motivation, commitment, confidence, concentration, and teamwork skills to achieve at the highest levels. Our customized team building workshops for Colleges and Universities are not your ordinary programs just to make your group feel group for a few days. For over 15 years Optimal Performance Associates has been dedicated to customizing innovative workshops, seminars and retreats that will meet your specific objectives and goals. Our mission is to provide your college organization with a hands-on learning experience that will promote the enhancement of relationships and the building of tangible skills.

Our customized team building programs focus on building higher levels of team performance. Our programs for team development accomplish this through highly dynamic and experiential activities. Each session is designed to capitalize on the advantages of teams and teamwork. Our innovative team building and leadership programs will provide your group with practical tools and strategies that will transfer back to your college organization. We offer the following programs:

  • Customized team Building for all college groups including RA’s, Student Leaders, Student Government, ROTC, Student & Parent Orientation, & Professional Office Staff
  • Team Building Events such as a Team Olympic, Amazing, Race, Team Expeditions, and Team Catalyst Programs
  • Leadership Workshops & Retreats
  • Train the Trainer Programs
  • Stress for Success

Customizing our Team Building workshops, retreats, and seminars are what we do best. Because no two teams are ever alike, we customize our team building programs to meet the dynamics and culture of your group. Prior to the program, OPA will conduct an initial needs assessment through telephone interview or meeting directly with your group. The information received will serve as a foundation for the design and execution of the team building experience. This information helps us better understand team dynamics, team make-up, and what areas to focus on. Whether you choose an in-depth workshop that explores a specific topic or work on group fun, camaraderie, and rejuvenation through our innovative team building initiatives and activities. Our customized team building and peak performance workshops will help your team succeed.

To learn more about how Optimal Performance Associates can support your team building needs, feel free to email or call us at 1-888-868-3380. We will be happy to answer your questions and to schedule a meeting or phone conference to discuss how we can address your company's specific team building needs.