1500 Kings Highway, Suite 106, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 | PHONE: 1-888-868-3380

“Mr. Keith Waldman has proved to be a valuable asset to the Rowan University Athletic Training Department. He is very effective in helping injured athletes overcome psychological barriers to return to participation. In addition, he has been instrumental in helping a number of athletes overcome anxiety issues related to performance. He has also conducted a significant number of team building sessions with several groups on campus, including the athletic trainers, which were met with rave reviews! I highly recommend his services for enhancing group and individual performance, and refer athletes to him on a regular basis.”RowanUniversity

Mr. Chuck Whedon, CoordinatorAthletic Training ServicesRowan University

To learn more about how Optimal Performance Associates can support your team building needs, feel free to email or call us at 1-888-868-3380. We will be happy to answer your questions and to schedule a meeting or phone conference to discuss how we can address your company's specific team building needs.